Wildflowers: A visit to my yard - XI


Ten-Petal Anemone

(Anemone heterophylla)

(February to March)

One of the earlier flowers to appear in the yard. They bloom just before the Bluebonnets. Like most flowers in the yard, they prefer sandy soils in pastures and prairies.

Mexican Buckeye

(Ungnadia speciosa)

(Late March to Early April)

This tree blooms just after the redbuds. The seeds look like those of a buckeye, but this tree or shrub is not part of the buckeye or horsechestnut family (Hippocastanaceae). Rather it is part of the soapberry family (Sapindaceae). Here it is a shrub about five feet tall. It is said to be a tree around Houston.

Eastern Redbud

(Cercis canadensis)



This tree, about eighteen feet tall, is in the extreme southern end of the yard. It is one of three varieties found in Texas: Eastern (var. canadensis), Texas (var. texensis), and Mexican (var. mexicana). It is surrounded by a very large bed of poison ivy. There is also a small Mexican redbud in the middle of the yard, about five feet tall, which I planted some years ago. It shows no inclination to get any taller.

ECH - June 13, 2005
Texas Wildflowers
National Wildflower Research Center
Texas Society for Ecological Restoration
Natural Area Preservation Association
Texas Wildscapes
Sally Wasowski's Page
Center for Environmental Philosophy